Worst lunch ever

July 15, 2008 at 4:03 pm (Daily log, Food)

THIS was for lunch today. And do you have any idea what this is? Yeap. Chicken rice balls. I have absolutely no idea how some people actually adore this thing. This is probably the worst food ever created since Baldrick became a chef. It taste like white rice swallowed whole and puked before being digested and some Japanese guy thought it’ll be cute to make it like onigiri, but in the shape of a ball.

I don’t just hate chicken rice balls but chicken rice too. Ugh.. I hate the lingering stench after one eats it. I always avoid chicken wherever I go. I have absolutely no idea how some people will come to love it. Curse the bloke who thought of the recipe. A lot of people have been telling me that the shop in my neighbourhood sells terrific chicken rice balls. I have never been there though. I hate that shop. The patrons of the shop make the two lanes road become one and whenever I’m out in the morning, I can’t seem to find a parking space when I go home. And I hate the fact that this shop is not more than a hundred steps away from my doorstep.

Back in those days, Wilson Chicken Rice was one of the more popular chicken rice shop around. I remember my dad used to stop by the one in Bukit Cina on our way home from school. It wasn’t so bad back then. I only have chicken rice probably once a month or so. And then, THAT happened. Bloody Wilson was doing so well, branches started popping everywhere and one opened in my neighbourhood. Since then, everytime my mom didn’t cook, chicken rice it is. That’s at least twice a week.

Then, there’s this incident I’ll never forget. I was in Standard 5 and I used to attend tuition at this place. One day, I had a problem with some question and I asked my teacher about it. He walked towards me, bend down with his head only 10 inches beside of mine and asked me “What’s wrong?” The smell of chicken rice was so strong it could kill a dinosaur. During the whole time he was beside me, I had to stop breathing.

After some time, I stopped eating it. If my parents buy that for lunch, I’ll only eat when I’m too hungry to be doing anything. You know what people say about when one is hungry, anything will taste nice? That’s total bullcrap. Even when you are on the verge of death, chicken rice still taste like crap. Somehow, after not eating something for some time, my body automatically starts to reject it (actually, it was just me being paranoid). I choked on the smell during lunch today. Stuffed 3 little balls into my mouth and stopped. Poor me couldn’t continue any longer.

Seriously, chicken rice is so bad that I’d rather be eating balut.

Ok, fine, I lied. Under no circumstances will I ever EVER eat balut either.

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